Nate Griffin:
Miles' playtime
Nate Griffin:
Carter's playtime
Nate Griffin:
The boys love their Aunt Janis!
Nate Griffin:
Miles in his Vince Young hat
Nate Griffin:
Our First Food!
Nate Griffin:
Miles eats his first cereal
Nate Griffin:
Miles eats his first cereal
Nate Griffin:
Carter eats his first cereal
Nate Griffin:
Carter eats his first cereal
Nate Griffin:
Our First Food!
Nate Griffin:
Carter loves playtime!
Nate Griffin:
Dad feeds Miles
Nate Griffin:
Dad feeds Carter
Nate Griffin:
Carter Takes Over!
Nate Griffin:
Christie, Debbie, and Jude Visit
Nate Griffin:
Christie, Debbie, and Jude Visit
Nate Griffin:
Christie, Debbie, and Jude Visit