scotted400: Old pine trees in Finland
scotted400: The Helsinki Eye
scotted400: Around Helsinki station
scotted400: Central Helsinki
scotted400: Art Museum Ateneum
scotted400: Helsinki Station
scotted400: Entrance to Zetor
scotted400: Inside Zetor restaurant
scotted400: Agricultural style in Zetor
scotted400: Tractor Chic
scotted400: Helsinki Cathedral
scotted400: Senate Square
scotted400: Central Helsinki
scotted400: The Red Orthodox Cathedral
scotted400: Uspenski Cathedral
scotted400: Hensinki waterfront
scotted400: Downtown swimming area
scotted400: Helsinki harbour
scotted400: Old markethall in Helsinki
scotted400: IMG_0787
scotted400: Aleksanterinkatu and the main shopping streets of Helsinki
scotted400: Art Deco Ogres
scotted400: Helsinki Station
scotted400: The Finnish lake district
scotted400: Finnish houses
scotted400: Midsummer sunshine
scotted400: Old finish farmhouse
scotted400: Finnish woodlands
scotted400: Lake swimming during a Finnish midsummer