scotted400: Start of the Mount Haguro trail
scotted400: Into the trees
scotted400: Big Cedar
scotted400: I spy a Pagoda
scotted400: Pagoda artist
scotted400: Five Story Pagoda
scotted400: Impressive woodwork
scotted400: Four/Five Stories
scotted400: Statue bibs
scotted400: More 5 pagoda
scotted400: Five Story Pagoda Shot
scotted400: Scenic Tea spot
scotted400: Gorgeous Tea
scotted400: Elephant wood
scotted400: Touch of the Endor
scotted400: Ribbon and keys
scotted400: Nearly at the summit
scotted400: Shrine guardians
scotted400: Wooden Cock
scotted400: Thatching
scotted400: Thatcher
scotted400: More temples
scotted400: Ring my bell