MerJade: NOT AVAILABLE Tanum Rock Carvings - the sun caprured at the stem of a carved ship at Backa
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Men with hatchets and dogs at Fossum
MerJade: Tanum Art Carvings - ”Balken”, the horse tjat pulls the sun over the sky, at Fossum
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - at Aspeberget
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carving - carved female figures are rare. This depicts the ”egg of Life”
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings -”The Bridal couple” at Vitlycke
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - ”Boundry dispute” at Vitlycke
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Ships and the ”Large-handed-god” at Aspeberget
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - ”Large-handed-god” with cupmarks
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Men with hatchets and dogs at Fossum
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Ships and tje ”Large-handed-god” at Aspeberget
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Boundry dispute at Vitlycke
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - The wedding couple
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Carved female figures are rare. This one is located at Fossum.
MerJade: Tanum Rock Carvings - Large-handed-god at Aspeberget