MizzWestview: Corner next to the table and benches
MizzWestview: Another view of kitchen table
MizzWestview: Ready to eat!
MizzWestview: Keeping warm by the stove
MizzWestview: Living Room
MizzWestview: Bedroom
MizzWestview: Laundry Area
MizzWestview: Laundry Area with quilts
MizzWestview: Papier Mache Dolls
MizzWestview: EA Companion Doll
MizzWestview: Basic Early American Doll
MizzWestview: Hitty's House
MizzWestview: Hitty' Attic
MizzWestview: Hitty's Kitchen
MizzWestview: Hitty's Bedroom
MizzWestview: Resting her tired pegs
MizzWestview: H. Hannah ironing
MizzWestview: I need a few quilts!
MizzWestview: Comfy bench
MizzWestview: H. Hannah admiring the hutch
MizzWestview: The stove needs more wood
MizzWestview: H. Hannah snacking with EA Companion Doll