alexfine: Paradise Tanager
alexfine: Paradise Tanager
alexfine: Green Jays
alexfine: Saffron-crowned tanager
alexfine: Flame-face Tanager (east slope)
alexfine: Andean Cock of the Rock
alexfine: Powerful Woodpecker
alexfine: Torrent Duck (female)
alexfine: Torrent Duck (male)
alexfine: Red-headed Barbet
alexfine: Black-mantle Tamarin monkey
alexfine: Tayra
alexfine: Red-headed Barbet
alexfine: Scarlet-bellied Mountain Tanager
alexfine: Blue Dacnis (male and female)
alexfine: Blue Dacnis (female)
alexfine: Blue Dacnis (male)
alexfine: Golden Tanager
alexfine: Blue-gray Tanager
alexfine: Lacrimose Mountain Tanager
alexfine: Beryl-spangled Tanager
alexfine: Pearled Treerunner
alexfine: Tawny Antpitta
alexfine: Black-crested Warbler
alexfine: Golden-headed Manakin
alexfine: Slate throated redstart
alexfine: Pale-naped Brushfinch
alexfine: Gilded Barbet
alexfine: Red-crested Cotinga
alexfine: Golden-collared Toucanet