saulene.lee: snowy day #3
saulene.lee: snowy day #2
saulene.lee: snowy day #1
saulene.lee: winds and stones
saulene.lee: sunrise in the city
saulene.lee: the first day of winter
saulene.lee: view from my window, looking down
saulene.lee: view from my window, looking up
saulene.lee: Guards of Winter
saulene.lee: caleidoscope
saulene.lee: About Buildings and Trees
saulene.lee: reality overlays
saulene.lee: About Buildings and Trees #2
saulene.lee: winter patterns
saulene.lee: looking far, looking near
saulene.lee: Guardians of Order #3
saulene.lee: Guardians of Order #2
saulene.lee: Guardians of Order
saulene.lee: To paint a winter with bright colors
saulene.lee: Winter in the City #2
saulene.lee: Winter in the City #2