snap713: Zoo Entrance
snap713: Cor-ten steel Sculpture
snap713: Close up-steel sculpture
snap713: Train in Hermann Park
snap713: Duck with a top knot!
snap713: Cor-ten steel sculpture
snap713: Cor-ten steel sculpture
snap713: Cor-ten steel sculpture
snap713: Rolled steel
snap713: Rolled Steel
snap713: Obelisk
snap713: Cor-ten steel
snap713: Cor-ten steel sculpture
snap713: Rolled steel sculpture
snap713: Giraffe Feeding
snap713: Giraffe Feeding
snap713: Giraffe Feeding
snap713: Hermann Park
snap713: Pine
snap713: Bunny
snap713: Black-bellied Whistling Ducks with Friend
snap713: Lantern
snap713: Purple Iris
snap713: Rabbit
snap713: Welcome to the Japanese Garden
snap713: Tea House
snap713: Black-bellied Whistling Duck
snap713: Yellow Iris
snap713: Azaleas
snap713: Black-crowned Night Heron