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sandy bohlken: Main Street
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sandy bohlken: IMG_0922
sandy bohlken: Point of view
sandy bohlken: Ladies' Night at The Urban Decanter, Forest Grove, Or. 1
sandy bohlken: Ceiling lights
sandy bohlken: Ladies' Night at the Urban Decanter, Forest Grove, Or 2
sandy bohlken: Retro Turquoise
sandy bohlken: Urban Decanter Forest Grove, Oregon
sandy bohlken: Historical House on Campus of Pacific University, Forest Grove, Oregon
sandy bohlken: White curtains and reflections
sandy bohlken: Back door
sandy bohlken: Orange lights
sandy bohlken: Spring beauty
sandy bohlken: Academic Pinks
sandy bohlken: Windows
sandy bohlken: Sunset silhouettes
sandy bohlken: Sunset warmth
sandy bohlken: Summer Irrigation
sandy bohlken: Beginnng the week