aynsavoy: All-natural, Black Angus beef tongue
aynsavoy: Brined cow tongue mise-en-place
aynsavoy: Beef tongue, pre-brining
aynsavoy: Spices for the brine
aynsavoy: Tongue in the brine
aynsavoy: Tongue in brine, with brine injector
aynsavoy: Injecting the brine
aynsavoy: Brining the tongue
aynsavoy: Cow tongue
aynsavoy: Cow tongue
aynsavoy: Beef tongue in clean water
aynsavoy: Boiling beef tongue for corned beef
aynsavoy: Boiled beef tongue
aynsavoy: Cooked beef tongue
aynsavoy: Cooked beef tongue
aynsavoy: Peeling the tongue
aynsavoy: Peeling the tongue
aynsavoy: All clean!
aynsavoy: Beef tongue skin
aynsavoy: Wrapped
aynsavoy: Corned beef tongue
aynsavoy: Corned beef tongue
aynsavoy: Corned beef tongue
aynsavoy: Corned beef tongue on homemade rye
aynsavoy: Corned beef tongue on homemade rye