Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): California Tiger Salamander - Ambystoma californiense - Endangered
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Canyon Tree Frog II - The Competition
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Snail-eating Thirst Snake - Dipsas brevifacies
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Veined Tree Frog - Trachycephalus typhonius
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Gopher Tortoises Sumo Wrestling
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander - Ambystoma macrodactylum ssp. croceum
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Shedding skin. Northern Pacific Rattlesnake Crotalus oreganus ssp. oreganus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Shedding skin. Northern Pacific Rattlesnake Crotalus oreganus ssp. oreganus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Brown Leaf Chameleon - Brookesia superciliaris
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Brown Leaf Chameleon - Brookesia superciliaris (chosen for EXPLORE)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Mossy Leaf-tailed Gecko (chosen for EXPLORE)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): How's this for camouflage? Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Eye detail: Giant Leaf-tailed Gecko (Uroplatus fimbriatus)
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Small Lined Day Gecko - Phelsuma pusilla - on hut
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Koch's Giant Day Gecko - Phelsuma kochi
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Rhinoceros Chameleon - Furcifer rhinoceratus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Baron's Mantella - Mantella baroni
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Peacock Day Gecko - Phelsuma quadriocellata
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko - Uroplatus phantasticus
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Oustalet's Giant Chameleon - Furcifer oustaleti
Robin Gwen Agarwal (ANudibranchMom on iNaturalist): Business to Atttend To. Carpet Chameleon - Furcifer lateralis