keepapozatude: The 5 finalists in the Name Your Co-op Contest were revealed!
keepapozatude: Tim & Arianna welcome event attendees at the sign-in table.
keepapozatude: Potluck table at the GROW YOUR CO-OP event.
keepapozatude: Dessert table at the GROW YOUR CO-OP event.
keepapozatude: Beautiful primroses & jars of homemade granola waiting to be awarded to co-op volunteers/helpers at the GROW YOUR CO-OP event!
keepapozatude: "Super Granolas" awards!
keepapozatude: Gina, Jennifer and Gina's daughter dishing up at the GROW YOUR CO-OP potluck event.
keepapozatude: Jennifer, Greg & Laura share co-op ideas while dining on a potluck meal at the GROW YOUR CO-OP event.
keepapozatude: Gina with her daughter holding Gina's "Super Granolas" award!