purong: the Winged Lion
purong: The Rialto Bridge
purong: To the Inner Canals
purong: Trafic
purong: Gondola Ride
purong: Venezian Cowboys ...
purong: Sights Along the Grand Canal
purong: Sights Along the Grand Canal ...
purong: D' cowboys of Venice
purong: Musicians on Board ...
purong: Wolverine's Claws
purong: Parked Gondolas
purong: Let's call it a day ...
purong: San Giorgio MAggiore
purong: Touring Venice by Gondolas
purong: IMG_3356
purong: busy venice
purong: Basilica di San Marco
purong: The Two Moors
purong: San Marco Square
purong: Basilica di San Marco
purong: Basilica Di San Marco
purong: Lost in Venice
purong: iphoto venice15
purong: iphoto venice13
purong: Basilica di San Giorgio
purong: Tail end
purong: Front End with the Ornament Screwed on it
purong: Rowing thru the Rialto Bridge