old_skool_metal_head: Jenna Anderson singing
old_skool_metal_head: Fans filming the ceremony
old_skool_metal_head: Fans with viking helmets
old_skool_metal_head: Jello Biafra giving his eulogy
old_skool_metal_head: Brent Purgason
old_skool_metal_head: Randy Blythe and distinguished guests
old_skool_metal_head: Randy Blythe giving his eulogy
old_skool_metal_head: Woman listening to Randy Blythe's eulogy
old_skool_metal_head: Adam Green giving his eulogy
old_skool_metal_head: Female fan dressed up
old_skool_metal_head: The barge burning
old_skool_metal_head: Moving Oderus's barge into position
old_skool_metal_head: Archer getting his arrow ready
old_skool_metal_head: Nails it on the first shot
old_skool_metal_head: Bagpiper blowing Amazing Grace
old_skool_metal_head: Danielle and fans watching the barge burn
old_skool_metal_head: The burning barge and the crowd
old_skool_metal_head: Barge engulfed in fire