old_skool_metal_head: Mike Puke of Stuck Backwards
old_skool_metal_head: Nate Masturbate of Stuck Backwards
old_skool_metal_head: He-Mutha Johnson of Stuck Backwards
old_skool_metal_head: Butthole of Stuck Backwards
old_skool_metal_head: Mike providing backup vocals
old_skool_metal_head: A fan provides liquid refreshment
old_skool_metal_head: He-Mutha and fan
old_skool_metal_head: Crowd during Stuck Backwards saet
old_skool_metal_head: Stuck Backwards set list
old_skool_metal_head: Noal and Marc jamming
old_skool_metal_head: Dave of Meat Cleaver
old_skool_metal_head: Bun E. Wells of Meat Cleaver
old_skool_metal_head: Marc Eid of Meat Cleaver
old_skool_metal_head: Dave rolling around
old_skool_metal_head: Crowd during Meat Cleaver's set
old_skool_metal_head: Briant Murphy of Meat Cleaver
old_skool_metal_head: Todd Evans of Mobile Deathcamp
old_skool_metal_head: Boe Skadeland of Mobile Deathcamp
old_skool_metal_head: Crowd during Mobile Deathcamp's set
old_skool_metal_head: Scott MacEachern of Mobile Deathcamp
old_skool_metal_head: Ladies dancing during Mobile Deathcamp's set
old_skool_metal_head: Animated fan
old_skool_metal_head: Fans during Mobile Deathcamp's set
old_skool_metal_head: Preparing the cannon for Spew Olympics
old_skool_metal_head: Getting ready to fire on contestants
old_skool_metal_head: The race is about to begin
old_skool_metal_head: And there off
old_skool_metal_head: Time to start over
old_skool_metal_head: Crowd during Spew Olympics