old_skool_metal_head: Wash those wogs
old_skool_metal_head: Some wogs are slimier than others
old_skool_metal_head: Facing the Royal Court
old_skool_metal_head: Through the garbage chute
old_skool_metal_head: In the stocks with you!
old_skool_metal_head: Teach your wogs tricks!
old_skool_metal_head: Get the water out of those padeyes wogs!
old_skool_metal_head: Trusty Shellback
old_skool_metal_head: Visiting the Royal Doctor
old_skool_metal_head: Another happy customer of the Royal Barber
old_skool_metal_head: What are you?
old_skool_metal_head: Brand new Shellbacks
old_skool_metal_head: What a mess!