andrew and hobbes: Reaching out
andrew and hobbes: Happy Birthday MV!!
andrew and hobbes: Eye in the sky, security camera
andrew and hobbes: View to a kill - A prey's eye view
andrew and hobbes: I'll wait for you
andrew and hobbes: Lunchtime! Seagull runs away with his catch
andrew and hobbes: Falling hair
andrew and hobbes: The pyramid
andrew and hobbes: Alone in the sun
andrew and hobbes: It feels like spring might be coming
andrew and hobbes: Just a hint of wind
andrew and hobbes: Snow, a tree and a hedge
andrew and hobbes: Seagull stare
andrew and hobbes: More pink stuff in a lab, now with added argon line!
andrew and hobbes: A peaceful moment by the sea at sunrise
andrew and hobbes: Down to the sea
andrew and hobbes: Receding waves
andrew and hobbes: ''The aging process has you firmly in it's grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball''
andrew and hobbes: A peaceful moment in the evening snow
andrew and hobbes: " But, I don't want to be on flickr "
andrew and hobbes: Fluffy barbed wire
andrew and hobbes: Shadows in the street
andrew and hobbes: Pigeon goes to afterburner
andrew and hobbes: Enjoying a cold morning
andrew and hobbes: Castle on the hill at sunrise
andrew and hobbes: Footprints in the frost
andrew and hobbes: LIttle spikes of ice