nick_cw1861: Collage of photos
nick_cw1861: 'Command Performance' singers
nick_cw1861: Col Kyna McCall providing opening comments
nick_cw1861: Reading of the official retirement orders
nick_cw1861: Certificate of Appreciation from Maj Gen David Thompson (STRATCOM Director of A5)
nick_cw1861: Presidential Certificate of Appreciation
nick_cw1861: Certification of Retirement from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General Mark Welsh
nick_cw1861: Receiving the Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM)
nick_cw1861: Defense Meritorious Service Medal
nick_cw1861: Jennifer pinning on the official 'retirement' pin
nick_cw1861: Jennifer receiving a Certification of Appreciation from the Chief of Staff of the Air Force
nick_cw1861: Honor Guard performing a flag-folding ceremony
nick_cw1861: Honor Guard folding the American flag
nick_cw1861: Honor Guard presenting me the American flag
nick_cw1861: Saluting the flag as I receive it
nick_cw1861: Providing my personal comments
nick_cw1861: Providing a gift to my mother
nick_cw1861: Providing a photo book gift to my father and step-mother
nick_cw1861: Providing a photo book and coin gift to my mother and father-in-law
nick_cw1861: Providing a coin to my brother-in-law
nick_cw1861: Providing a silver dollar to my brother
nick_cw1861: Giving my wife a canvas print gift
nick_cw1861: Jennifer, Nick, and little Mitchell
nick_cw1861: Jennifer, Nick, and little Mitchell
nick_cw1861: The immediate family
nick_cw1861: Paul (dad), me, and Joe (father-in-law)
nick_cw1861: Jake (brother-in-law), me, and Phil (brother)
nick_cw1861: The ladies
nick_cw1861: Receiving my shadow box
nick_cw1861: Retirement cake