arthurvankruining: It is early spring. The sun shines with cold light.
arthurvankruining: Bees testing the outside air
arthurvankruining: A swarm of thousands of bees is in search of a new home
arthurvankruining: The bees cluster around the queen
arthurvankruining: A new worker bee bites through the cell cover and is born
arthurvankruining: The hunting grounds of the worker bees
arthurvankruining: They jostle and push, thrust and lunge among the flowers
arthurvankruining: Across the petals, the bees hasten in endless search for food.
arthurvankruining: They reach out of sight deep into pastel halls
arthurvankruining: Burdened with nectar and pollen they flit to the hive
arthurvankruining: The queen works frantically at laying her eggs
arthurvankruining: As thousands of new bees are born, the hive is too crowded
arthurvankruining: The mating done, they tumble from the sky
arthurvankruining: The heat of summer fills the air and the drones drowse away their final days
arthurvankruining: The worker bees advance on the drones, silent and menacing
arthurvankruining: Cold days come. The bees cling together for warmth.