tuc.org.uk: Dockers at work 1906
tuc.org.uk: Liverpool dockside
tuc.org.uk: National Pensioners Convention rally at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: National Pensioners Convention rally at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: National Pensioners Convention rally at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: National Pensioners Convention rally at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: TUC 2009 press conference
tuc.org.uk: Brendan Barber (TUC) in Liverpool
tuc.org.uk: Brendan Barber (TUC) in Liverpool
tuc.org.uk: Brendan Barber (TUC) in Liverpool
tuc.org.uk: Brendan Barber (TUC) in Liverpool
tuc.org.uk: Congress 2009 empty hall
tuc.org.uk: Congress 2009 empty hall
tuc.org.uk: Congress 2009 badge
tuc.org.uk: Brendan Barber addresses Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Silent vigil against racism at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Silent vigil against racism at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Silent vigil against racism at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Silent vigil against racism at TUC Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Filming the news at Congress
tuc.org.uk: Speech by the Prime Minister at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Speech by the Prime Minister at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: The Prime Minister presents reps' awards at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: TUC Congress 2009 president, Sheila Bearcroft
tuc.org.uk: Music by Mundo Afrika! at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Question and answer session with the Prime Minister at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Media room at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Question and answer session with the Prime Minister at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Mark Serwotka speaks to TUC/Refugee Council fringe event at Congress 2009
tuc.org.uk: Ed Miliband speaks to TUC Congress 2009