Des Gould: Silversea: Exmoor, S.W. England
Des Gould: Grey
Des Gould: Exmoor: Hurlestone Fog
Des Gould: Ghost of a Tree: UK, Exmoor, Porlock Marshes
Des Gould: Crossing the flood channel, Dunster Beach, Exmoor
Des Gould: Bossington Hill, 14/08/2020 (Explore:20/08/2021)
Des Gould: Porlock Bay at Dusk
Des Gould: Oblivious sheep
Des Gould: Vista Westward: That patch of light!
Des Gould: Blue Anchor Bay, looking west.
Des Gould: Exmoor, South West England: Valley of Rocks
Des Gould: Black and Grey
Des Gould: Exmoor Pony & Dunster Castle
Des Gould: Blue Anchor Bay, again. West Somerset, England.
Des Gould: Rainbow: Between Dunster and Blue Anchor.
Des Gould: The early sun hits the trees: A view from my garden.