pcurto: Andrew Wilse Powell 1946
pcurto: Mandy at 16 with Aunt Bertha
pcurto: In the Desert - 1966
pcurto: Mandy With Her Father 1966
pcurto: Mandy Going to Senior Prom 1966
pcurto: Mountain Pass 1966
pcurto: After Graduation at Luray VA Fall, 1969
pcurto: Marion Boutelle
pcurto: Bromley Ski Lodge and the Proposal
pcurto: Mandy and I Pose for Mom
pcurto: Mandy Comes To My Home
pcurto: The Newly Engaged
pcurto: David Singmaster
pcurto: Lao Kratia and Stephanos
pcurto: The Young Lovers by Georg Ehrlich
pcurto: Paul Singmaster in St. Paul's Cathedral London
pcurto: Man With A Plan
pcurto: Men's Lib 71
pcurto: Patty The Indian Princess
pcurto: We Arrive In New Haven After We Eloped
pcurto: My Brother Joe and His Family
pcurto: Grandma Allen at Tillman's in Selma, AL 1971
pcurto: Me On Chincoteague
pcurto: Mandy Barefoot on the Beach
pcurto: Rue Edmond Picard
pcurto: The Robe for Our Wedding
pcurto: Mandy Cooks
pcurto: Our Brussels Apartment
pcurto: Mandy and Dael Chapman
pcurto: The Gig Is Done