Alex E. Wells: Acer Palmatum in the rain
Alex E. Wells: Acer Palmatum
Alex E. Wells: Raindrops on a Japanese Maple
Alex E. Wells: Trillium
Alex E. Wells: Golden Pine
Alex E. Wells: Acer Palmatum
Alex E. Wells: Pelargonium
Alex E. Wells: DSCF5205.jpg
Alex E. Wells: DSCF5195.jpg
Alex E. Wells: DSCF5194.jpg
Alex E. Wells: DSCF5192.jpg
Alex E. Wells: Wells Medina Nursery
Alex E. Wells: Strawberry Tree
Alex E. Wells: Wells Medina Nursery Rhody House
Alex E. Wells: Succulents at Wells Medina
Alex E. Wells: Up Against the Blue
Alex E. Wells: Up Against the Blue
Alex E. Wells: Geraniums
Alex E. Wells: Black Stem Hydranea
Alex E. Wells: DSCF2683.jpg
Alex E. Wells: Glorious Hydrangeas
Alex E. Wells: Famous Coleus
Alex E. Wells: Wells Medina
Alex E. Wells: Wells Medina
Alex E. Wells: Cornus?
Alex E. Wells: Wells Medina