Leona Biskie: Mesquite Valley
Leona Biskie: Mesquite Valley 2
Leona Biskie: Beautiful flower
Leona Biskie: Velvety flower
Leona Biskie: Bridal white
Leona Biskie: Lily bud just opening
Leona Biskie: Coleus
Leona Biskie: Flying high
Leona Biskie: Leaving on a jet plane....
Leona Biskie: Trying to look on the bright side....
Leona Biskie: Camelia
Leona Biskie: Rainy, cold and grey here in the desert for a few days so I thought I'd post some sunshine.
Leona Biskie: Gotta love purple
Leona Biskie: Pretty sure you don't get this cat with the basket..
Leona Biskie: Iceland Poppy
Leona Biskie: Colors
Leona Biskie: Floral
Leona Biskie: Floral
Leona Biskie: Floral
Leona Biskie: Floral
Leona Biskie: Floral
Leona Biskie: Botannical Gardens Balboa Pk
Leona Biskie: Taken at the local garden center
Leona Biskie: Not quite ready