painchaudnicole: #4 of the Canadian series block of the month Nova Scotia I believe.
painchaudnicole: Two done, one to go, for the "Canadian Mystery Quilt" by Shania Sunga Designs. Alberta and Nunavut.
painchaudnicole: Two done, one to go, for the "Canadian Mystery Quilt" by Shania Sunga Designs. Alberta and Nunavut.
painchaudnicole: All caught up on the Canadian Mystery quilt.
painchaudnicole: Block 6 of the Canadian Mystery Quilt. The Yukon.
painchaudnicole: Manitoba block of the Canadian Block of the Month by Shania Sanga. 3 more to catch up, but enjoying every minute.
painchaudnicole: Ontario's BOM by Shania Sunga Designs. Only two left!
painchaudnicole: British Columbia block from Shania Sunga's Canadian Mystery Quilt. Block 12. Almost done the quilt....
painchaudnicole: Canadian beauty
painchaudnicole: BOM Alberta from Shania Sunga Designs