ullarose: magic world of drops
ullarose: frozen drop
ullarose: frozen drops just melting
ullarose: P1070026
ullarose: lichen - Flechten
ullarose: Blueberries and heather
ullarose: Arnika - mountain tobacco
ullarose: P1060732
ullarose: thistle seeds
ullarose: P1060734
ullarose: wheeping thistle
ullarose: P1000645
ullarose: P1010393
ullarose: visit at the silver thistle
ullarose: last bellflowers
ullarose: P1060732
ullarose: P1060723
ullarose: Tränenkiefer - Wheeping Blue Pine
ullarose: P1030287
ullarose: P1000201
ullarose: P1060858
ullarose: P1060937
ullarose: Fairy candle - Cimicifuga racemosa - Silberkerze
ullarose: Fairy candle - Cimicifuga racemosa - Silberkerze
ullarose: wheeping blade of grass
ullarose: P1060759
ullarose: landscape in a drop
ullarose: climbing to the top
ullarose: good camouflage - gut getarnt
ullarose: green secret - grünes Geheimnis