jd-pandas: Lots of sponsors setting up early
jd-pandas: P1340682
jd-pandas: P1340687
jd-pandas: P1340688
jd-pandas: FedEx was another sponsor - you could make BB a Birthday Card and they gave away squishy airplane stress toys
jd-pandas: savingpandas.com was there with a big display and several of the P-5 panda mascots
jd-pandas: Bao Bao still asleep in the Dreaded Hemlock
jd-pandas: savingpandas.com mascots were on the scene
jd-pandas: You could get your pic taken with a big Bao Bao poster
jd-pandas: Tian Tian came out to join the party, too
jd-pandas: Many FONZ people heading down Asia Trail
jd-pandas: Employees from the Chinese Embassy served up DanDan noodles
jd-pandas: Mei nuzzling with Bao Bao
jd-pandas: The ice cake after tumbling down the hill
jd-pandas: Mei went over to check the cake and Bao Bao kept on eating the sweet potato dish
jd-pandas: Enjoying some pear or apple from her ice cake
jd-pandas: You could tweet a birthday message to Bao Bao
jd-pandas: Mei enjoying the carrot/sweet potato dish and Bao Bao enjoying her cake
jd-pandas: Mei carefully licks the tray the ice cake was sitting on
jd-pandas: Bao Bao enjoying part of the carrot/sweet potato dish
jd-pandas: Bao Bao looked up, surprised, when the ice cake rolled down the hill
jd-pandas: Mei and Bao Bao enjoying the treats
jd-pandas: Mei had the carrot/sweet potato dish all to herself for a bit
jd-pandas: Mei savoring the carrot/sweet potato dish
jd-pandas: Bao Bao enjoying some apple/pear slices from her cake
jd-pandas: Meanwhile, Tian Tian took a nap in his grotto
jd-pandas: The big number 1 broke and Bao Bao went flying backwards!
jd-pandas: Bao Bao hanging onto the big number 1 and then... crack....
jd-pandas: Bao Bao standing up hanging onto her big number 1
jd-pandas: Bao Bao greets Mei Xiang as Mei explores what's going on