jd-pandas: Gopher Snake near the Far View Terrace Cafe
jd-pandas: Gopher Snake near the Far View Terrace Cafe
jd-pandas: Young buck near our hotel room
jd-pandas: Young buck near our hotel room
jd-pandas: Connie taking pics of the young buck from our balcony
jd-pandas: Young buck near our hotel room
jd-pandas: Possibly Dusky Flycatcher
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher nest
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher nest
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher
jd-pandas: Dusky Flycatcher
jd-pandas: Entering Mesa Verde National Park
jd-pandas: Arriving at the new Visitors Center
jd-pandas: Sign at the new Visitors Center
jd-pandas: Close up of the sculpture outside the Visitors Center
jd-pandas: Approaching the Visitor Center
jd-pandas: Visitor and Research Center
jd-pandas: Trash Can at the Visitors Center
jd-pandas: Archival/research room at the Visitors Center
jd-pandas: Inside the Visitors Center
jd-pandas: At theVisitor Center
jd-pandas: At the Visitor Center
jd-pandas: At the Visitor Center
jd-pandas: At the Visitor Center
jd-pandas: Exhibit at Visitor Center
jd-pandas: Exhibit at Visitor Center
jd-pandas: Inside Mesa Verde National Park
jd-pandas: Inside Mesa Verde National Park