jd-pandas: Daddy bluebird checking on progress of the nest
jd-pandas: Female bluebird entering box with nesting material
jd-pandas: Female Eastern Bluebird
jd-pandas: Female bluebird bringing nesting material to the box
jd-pandas: Bluebird nest is starting to take shape!
jd-pandas: Bluebird nest with 2 eggs as of today (April 4, 2013)
jd-pandas: Mama Bluebird in the nest box
jd-pandas: Another egg this morning (April 5, 2013)
jd-pandas: 4th egg laid on April 6, 2013
jd-pandas: Egg #5 today (April 7, 2013)
jd-pandas: Daddy Bluebird 24 Apr 2013
jd-pandas: Mama brings a moth to eat
jd-pandas: Babies are hungry and hot
jd-pandas: Mama bringing in some meal worms
jd-pandas: Babies waiting for food - May 5, 2013
jd-pandas: Mama coming in to feed the babies and take out fecal sacs - May 5, 2013
jd-pandas: Mama feeding 3 babies - May 5, 2013
jd-pandas: Baby bluebird trying out his wings - another looking up at the camera
jd-pandas: Bluebird babies - May 7, 2013
jd-pandas: Daddy Bluebird back in the nestbox - May 9, 2013
jd-pandas: Mama bluebird in the nest box
jd-pandas: Bluebird Nest box - July 13, 2013
jd-pandas: 224 2013-07-14, 10_12_23
jd-pandas: Mama bluebird getting some air
jd-pandas: Baby bluebird born July 22, 2013
jd-pandas: Second egg is hatching!
jd-pandas: Three bluebird babies!
jd-pandas: 4 bluebird babies
jd-pandas: Mama bringing in a meal worm
jd-pandas: Hungry bluebird babies