jd-pandas: Tao Tao's crate
jd-pandas: Loading Tao Tao's crate for transfer to Liziping Nature Reserve
jd-pandas: Tao Tao at Liziping Nature Reserve
jd-pandas: Tao Tao at Liziping Nature Reserve
jd-pandas: Beautiful little Yi children bringing apples to welcome panda Tao Tao
jd-pandas: Last shot of Tao Tao before he disappears into the woods...
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild
jd-pandas: Panda Tao Tao being released into the wild