jd-pandas: Hsing-Hsing -- Inside the Smithsonian Castle
jd-pandas: A lot of Canadian Geese were down on the Mall
jd-pandas: Reflections on the wall...
jd-pandas: A gray day on the Mall
jd-pandas: Mei eating breakfast in privacy
jd-pandas: Hey! It's a FLOPPETTE!!
jd-pandas: Banners at the Zoo entrance
jd-pandas: Panda statue on the way to the Zoo
jd-pandas: A fruitsicle - with FRUIT!!
jd-pandas: Mei enjoying the morning sun
jd-pandas: Our boy Tai is really growing up!
jd-pandas: Big daddy Tian having breakfast
jd-pandas: Mei showing off her bite...
jd-pandas: Mei maneuvering a long stalk of boo
jd-pandas: Extreme fruitie concentration
jd-pandas: "I can't believe all these FLOPPERs came to see ME..."
jd-pandas: Good to the last drop...
jd-pandas: "Yikes! I grew an icicle at the corner of my mouth!"
jd-pandas: "Ahhhh....." (Fruitie euphoria)
jd-pandas: Major Brain Freeze!!
jd-pandas: Sloth Bear - look at those claws!
jd-pandas: "Is this the way out??"
jd-pandas: Otters on the Asia Trail
jd-pandas: Otters on the Asia Trail
jd-pandas: Beautiful Mei
jd-pandas: Happy Tai eating boo
jd-pandas: Mei snoozing...
jd-pandas: What a handsome panda daddy!
jd-pandas: Beautiful Fishing Cat
jd-pandas: Asia Trail Otters