Budby: [87237] Glasgow Southern Necropolis :
Budby: [87238] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Grandson of Scott's ‘Old Mortality’
Budby: [87240] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Gorbals Total Abstinence Society
Budby: [87239] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Gorbals Total Abstinence Society
Budby: [87241] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Master Blacksmith
Budby: [87242] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Comedian
Budby: [87244] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Cabinetmaker & Chartist
Budby: [87245] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : their children
Budby: [87246] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : The Heroine of Matagorda
Budby: [87248] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : a distinguished Gaelic scholar
Budby: [87249] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : James Cousland, architect
Budby: [87250] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : he saved upwards of 70 lives from drowning
Budby: [87251] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Nephew of the Poet Burns
Budby: [87253] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Author
Budby: [87254] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Engineer & Shipbuilder
Budby: [87255] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : maker of the engine of the Comet
Budby: [87256] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Chief Constable
Budby: [87257] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Civil Engineer
Budby: [87258] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : died from the effects of a railway accident
Budby: [87259] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : James Salmon, architect
Budby: [87260] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : The White Lady
Budby: [87261] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : died as the result of the same accident
Budby: [87262] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Wright
Budby: [87263] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Humane Society Officer
Budby: [87264] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Wine & Spirit Merchant
Budby: [87266] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : accidentally killed at the Central Station
Budby: [87267] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : lost his life in crossing Fox River, Aurora, Illinois
Budby: [87268] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Alexander 'Greek' Thomson, architect
Budby: [87270] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : Engineer
Budby: [87269] Glasgow Southern Necropolis : drowned at sea