peterschmidt2711: Papilio machaon
jt893x: Great Blue Heron
PaulO Classic. ©: Lakeside view
Sonja Parfitt: rose on black taken at the Rose Garden Stanley Park
monica_meeneghan: DSC05834 This kind of cosmos like wearing party dresses for parties. They invite the bees.
jt893x: Deer
jt893x: Eastern Phoebe
monica_meeneghan: DSC05809DSC05803 Chrysanthemum given to me for Christmas last year which I've cared for to flower again this year.
monica_meeneghan: DSC05698 A few geraniums still in floweer
monica_meeneghan: DSC05550 A geranium autumn leaf
monica_meeneghan: DSC05478 A few raspberry jam rock buns.
Ric Seet.: Beautiful People: Oriental Beauty
Eric Gofreed: American Robin
Thomas Retterath: His majesty the king
Thank you for 5 Million views !!!!!: Black - crowned night heron with catch
Jay KoolPix: Green Heron
Macks Photography - David Mackey: Broad-bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa
Ricardo Menor: El rojete
Eric Gofreed: Green heron-07990-Edit
Ted Smith 574: Black-throated Divers looking smart 😊
Ric Seet.: Bee Eater: Winter Visitor
ianpreston: Common Blue DSCN8715
jt893x: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
monica_meeneghan: DSC03381 Rosa 'St Exupery'
Baffledmostly: 299c_5-Downy Emerald
Eric Gofreed: Cattle egret-00271-Edit
João Antonio: Milho Verde-Brasil-2009
Jay KoolPix: Baltimore Oriole
jt893x: Northern Flickers