Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 203 - Chiquimula to Copán Ruinas, Honduras - 007
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 204 - Copán Ruinas - 026
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 204 - Copán Ruinas - 034
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 204 - Copán Ruinas - 108
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 204 - Copán Ruinas - 129
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Semana Santa in Comayagua - 012
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Semana Santa in Comayagua - 031
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Seman Santa in Comayagua - 124
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Semana Santa in Comayagua - 165
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Semana Santa in Comayagua - 226
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Seman Santa in Comayagua - 246
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 207 - Seman Santa in Comayagua - 308
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 208 - Comayagua to Los Naranjos - 016
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 209 - Lago Yajoa - 007
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 209 - Lago Yajoa - 009
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 209 - Lago Yajoa - 012
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 210 - Lago Yajoa to Sambo Creek - 015
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Day 210 - Lago Yajoa to Sambo Creek - 019
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Apr 12, 2012 - 002
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Apr 12, 2012 - 016
Two Wheeled Wanderers: Roatan - 073