2tMargarett: My ugly duckling has arrived!
2tMargarett: My first Kenner!
2tMargarett: New girl's weird scalp
2tMargarett: I think I've found the source of the stink!
2tMargarett: She's crying with gratitude!
2tMargarett: Feeling so much better!
2tMargarett: My current squeezes!
2tMargarett: Squee! Look what Mummy scored for her girls!
2tMargarett: Hope is gonna be a diva!
2tMargarett: Hope and Grace
2tMargarett: If you could adopt one, who would it be and why? If you haven't already done this, consider yourself TAGGED!
2tMargarett: Many happy returns Laura! The dolly world is richer and better dressed because of you!
2tMargarett: I am so blessed right now!
2tMargarett: AND a gift!!!!! Blythe friends are awesome!
2tMargarett: Someone looks a little apprehensive!
2tMargarett: Enjoy your spa, Hope!
2tMargarett: Patience: "Look! Look! It's Hope! Mum, she's at the spa ... and ... OMG! Look at that PURPLE MOHAIR!!!"
2tMargarett: OMGOMGOMG!
2tMargarett: Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty!
2tMargarett: Welcome home darling Hope!
2tMargarett: AKAW 3/52 Whoah! There is a princess in the house!
2tMargarett: All fixed and glam!
2tMargarett: Birthday wishes to Jenny (londoncalling2001)!
2tMargarett: Extreme makeover!
2tMargarett: Hope says Good Morning and Happy Birthday to Becca (Blythetastic!)
2tMargarett: Just dropping by
2tMargarett: My three Kenners!
2tMargarett: Birthday wishes to ~Jo~!