2tMargarett: Eeeep! Look who's coming to live in Perth!
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #17: Squeeee! Look, look! She's here :D
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #18: Love this darling face <3
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #19: Aw, she's just so sweet!
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #20: The old (me) and the new (no name)
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #22: My lovely girl
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #23: Darling!
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #24: Oh, those eyes!
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #25: Close-up
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #26: Watching the sun go down
2tMargarett: BL♥VED #27: Enjoying a cool breeze
2tMargarett: Blue and green ... but teal and green rock!
2tMargarett: BPC #55 "She Works Hard for the Money!" (In Memory of Donna Summer!)
2tMargarett: Smith in ET green
2tMargarett: Budding Beauty Love!
2tMargarett: If you could adopt one, who would it be and why? If you haven't already done this, consider yourself TAGGED!
2tMargarett: Smith reckons the old girls have been getting too much airtime!
2tMargarett: Let's get this party started!
2tMargarett: BWPC Week 1: Umbrella
2tMargarett: Ta-DAH! Hehe! I made a dress! Pretty crappy, but I actually made a dress!
2tMargarett: Now this one, I'm happy with!
2tMargarett: Custom Neos
2tMargarett: Custom kids
2tMargarett: My entire collection.
2tMargarett: DoftheD Smith
2tMargarett: Smith loves my birthday bouquet from my boss - it matches her!