2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Flying Into Washington From the East
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: River from the Plane
2thegalapagos: Frozen River from the Plane
2thegalapagos: Frozen River from the Plane
2thegalapagos: Flying into Washington from the East
2thegalapagos: Where am I?
2thegalapagos: Utah perhaps?
2thegalapagos: Each strip of white in the distance is a mountain range
2thegalapagos: Arizona
2thegalapagos: Arizona
2thegalapagos: Arizona
2thegalapagos: Arizona
2thegalapagos: "What does it mean????"
2thegalapagos: Upwardly Mobile