2strokebuzz: Stephen, Kris, and John
2strokebuzz: Go Dog Go
2strokebuzz: at Bayview Collectivo
2strokebuzz: at Bayview Collectivo
2strokebuzz: at Bayview Collectivo
2strokebuzz: Primis Rule OK
2strokebuzz: 5000 apart
2strokebuzz: Minnesota Scooters
2strokebuzz: Setting up the Panorama
2strokebuzz: Actually, it's pronounced "mill-e-wah-que" which is Algonquin for "the good land."
2strokebuzz: Yacht Club
2strokebuzz: At the Yacht Club 1
2strokebuzz: At the Yacht Club 1
2strokebuzz: Minneapolis in Milwaukee 2
2strokebuzz: Minneapolis in Milwaukee 1
2strokebuzz: Fraternal Twins
2strokebuzz: MPLS in MKE1
2strokebuzz: MPLS in MKE2