2strokebuzz: A bunch'a Posties
2strokebuzz: Bethany
2strokebuzz: Austin and Bethany
2strokebuzz: Bethany
2strokebuzz: Don and Jeff
2strokebuzz: Jeff: "Bland Mexican Place"
2strokebuzz: Don, R.J. and Bryan
2strokebuzz: Don and R.J.
2strokebuzz: Doug nods off as someone tells a story
2strokebuzz: Kim and Andrea
2strokebuzz: Andrea
2strokebuzz: Don, R.J., and Amy Beth
2strokebuzz: Mike and Amy
2strokebuzz: Crazy-eyes Jeff and Lisa
2strokebuzz: Bethany, Mike, Don
2strokebuzz: Kim nods off while someone speaks
2strokebuzz: Mike, Bethany, Don, Jeff
2strokebuzz: Mike, Bethany, Don, Jeff
2strokebuzz: Mike and Don
2strokebuzz: I crush Mike's head
2strokebuzz: Wine: Red/White 3.50
2strokebuzz: Bethany, Jeff, Lisa, and a little Austin
2strokebuzz: Tony's and State Street
2strokebuzz: Jeff, Bethany, and Don
2strokebuzz: Don, Dan, and Karen
2strokebuzz: Don, Karen, and Dan