bootsvalentine: DSCN2885
bootsvalentine: DSCN2881
bootsvalentine: DSCN2870
bootsvalentine: DSCN2854
bootsvalentine: DSCN2851
bootsvalentine: DSCN2858
bootsvalentine: Go ahead, make fun of my grandma's shoes and see what happens to you
bootsvalentine: DSCN2842
bootsvalentine: DSCN2834
bootsvalentine: Grandma's first wedding ring
bootsvalentine: DSCN2694
bootsvalentine: Pineapple Crochet 56/67
bootsvalentine: Grandma fashion 57/67
bootsvalentine: DSCN2884
bootsvalentine: Memorium 58/67
bootsvalentine: Reminders of you 53/67
bootsvalentine: May the road rise 54/67
bootsvalentine: Sorting the teacups 55/67
bootsvalentine: Great Grandma's Spoons 52/67
bootsvalentine: Phoenix Airport 51/67
bootsvalentine: DSCN2838
bootsvalentine: DSCN2839
bootsvalentine: Rest stop 5 a.m. 59/67