bootsvalentine: MiMi again
bootsvalentine: MiMi again
bootsvalentine: MiMi and Denise
bootsvalentine: Omar and Mim
bootsvalentine: CIMG2892.JPG
bootsvalentine: finished cat bed!
bootsvalentine: CIMG2885.JPG
bootsvalentine: MiMi and Spike
bootsvalentine: Ruki and Mim
bootsvalentine: I'll stay up here--
bootsvalentine: Rabbits are ground creatures
bootsvalentine: the weather outside is frightful
bootsvalentine: I feel blue
bootsvalentine: MiMi in the scarf
bootsvalentine: MiMi in Noro
bootsvalentine: wool eyes
bootsvalentine: MiMi in Noro take 2
bootsvalentine: contemplation
bootsvalentine: I like to be involved
bootsvalentine: jeffmimi
bootsvalentine: Unfelted cat bed
bootsvalentine: Kitty + decreases
bootsvalentine: mouseface!
bootsvalentine: Help, it's attacking!
bootsvalentine: Icelandic Wool is best for mice
bootsvalentine: A Dignified Portrait of MiMi and her best friend