2Hintons: Our hotel in Rome. Our room is top floor right, corner room with two windows!
2Hintons: Ah, to be in Rome in May!
2Hintons: The rooftop bar at our hotel, The Mecenate Palace
2Hintons: The Forum with Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II at right
2Hintons: Colosseo
2Hintons: The view from our hotel in Rome; the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore.
2Hintons: Two Italians
2Hintons: Ceiling of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore
2Hintons: Sculpture holding frame of painting, Basillica of Santa Maria Maggiore
2Hintons: Pope Pio IX in Basillica of Santa Maria Maggiore
2Hintons: Pope Pio IX detail
2Hintons: Urn holding pieces of wood believed by some to be the remains of "the sacred crib of Jesus". In the Santa Maria Maggiore church.
2Hintons: Monumento a Vittorio Emanuele II
2Hintons: A Cultural Association in Rome
2Hintons: Sunset from our Room with a View
2Hintons: Entrance to the Bioparco, the Rome zoo
2Hintons: Stairs, stairs, and more stairs.
2Hintons: Enjoying the Bioparco from the top of the stairs
2Hintons: Typical hordes of tourists at the Vatican Museum
2Hintons: Bathtub #1, Vatican Museum
2Hintons: Animal Room, Vatican Museum
2Hintons: Mosaic floor in Vatican Museum
2Hintons: Ceiling in the Map Room, Vatican Museum
2Hintons: The god Anubis' snout!
2Hintons: Boy with pet lizard and gelato cone? Vatican Museum
2Hintons: They tell you about the Roman Baths, and the tubs, but they never mention the showers. At the Vatican Museum.
2Hintons: Exit from Vatican Museum
2Hintons: Little French car (Chatenet) in Rome
2Hintons: Mecenate Palace Hotel