2fs: Rose, Susan, and another view of the stairway
2fs: stairway up from the main floor
2fs: Greg and Martha's hallway
2fs: looking northeast
2fs: Kilbourn Towers and University Towers (the view east)
2fs: the view south
2fs: Rose and the view north
2fs: Greg and Erik pretend to ignore one another
2fs: Martha, Susan, and Rachel (and Cora)
2fs: Bob and Rose
2fs: Orrick and Liana
2fs: Susan and Rachel
2fs: Spots, the dog with a mohawk
2fs: Martha and Susan chat (with Luna the dog)
2fs: Bob serves himself a salad
2fs: Liana wishes upon a star (or perhaps, a lighting fixture)
2fs: Martha and Rachel
2fs: Rose gives Susan the evil eye
2fs: am I regarding something cynically? Or just stuffed?
2fs: Alex
2fs: Greg, Liana, and Erik