2For66: A Few More Trackside Photos in Riverside, IL
2For66: A Few More Trackside Photos in Riverside, IL
2For66: West Bound BNSF on a Cold Bright Winter Afternoon in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: A bushy tailed squirrel trackside in Riverside, IL
2For66: Inbound Metra in the late afternoon winter sun - Riverside, IL
2For66: Riverside’s water tower in the winter sun.
2For66: Water Tower in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Westbound BNSF Manifest accelerating through Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Chicago’s Willis Tower at the end of the tracks as seen from Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Outbound BNSF autorack gaining momentum through Riverside, IL
2For66: Path along the Des Plaines River in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Decorative feature in front of a Riverside, Illinois home.
2For66: Interesting Santa in Riverside, Illinois home.
2For66: Frank Lloyd Wright home in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Outbound Metra in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: BNSF freight rolling westward out of Chicago through Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Santa visited North Riverside, IL on a Fire Truck
2For66: Santa visited North Riverside, IL for a visit via Fire Truck
2For66: Santa visiting a boy on the nice list in North Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Santa arrived in North Riverside on a fire truck.
2For66: Aunt Diana’s Candy Store in Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Riverside Water Tower and Museum. Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Pictures from our Christmas visit to Riverside,Illinois. My 4 year old grandson helped with the train pictures.
2For66: Outbound Metra Express passes through Riverside, Illinois on its way to Aurora.
2For66: BNSF Grain Train rumbling through Riverside, Illinois on its way to Chicago
2For66: Aurora Bound Metra slowing to a stop in Riverside, Illinois.
2For66: Trains and Christmas stuff during our Christmas visit to Riverside, Illinois
2For66: Chicago Bound California Zephyr roars through Riverside, Illinois.