JodyBob1: Thanksgiving w Beeps, Davis, and Family
JodyBob1: Bob's Aunt Lola gives us a surprise Thanksgiving visit!
JodyBob1: Beeps and Davis with Aunt Lola
JodyBob1: Beeps and Bob's Aunt Lola
JodyBob1: Our Thanksgiving Treat
JodyBob1: Smile, Dad!
JodyBob1: The Baker Sisiters acting up!
JodyBob1: Cards - a Baker Traditionl Your Tongue doesn't help, Pam. Bobby will still beat you!
JodyBob1: Hurry up Pam...
JodyBob1: "Momma, are you waiting your turn?"
JodyBob1: Momma and her girls.
JodyBob1: Sara, you can have two pieces of pie, after I eat my half!
JodyBob1: I guess only girls SMILE.
JodyBob1: Those must be the Cheap Seats?
JodyBob1: Playing in the leaves, yep that's me.
JodyBob1: Bob is tending the fire.
JodyBob1: Getting all set up.