JodyBob1: Entertainment center
JodyBob1: Walk in Rockport City Beach
JodyBob1: DSCN4789
JodyBob1: DSCN4818
JodyBob1: DSCN4821
JodyBob1: DSCN5440
JodyBob1: DSCN5445
JodyBob1: Long wings are defining for this hummer.
JodyBob1: Curios fellow
JodyBob1: Bill, slightly curved, also defining.
JodyBob1: Finally, lightly streaked throat, identifies this adult Black-chinned hummer.
JodyBob1: Forked tail and clearly defined throat identifies this Ruby hummer.
JodyBob1: Shame on the photographer for the lighting on this series of hummer pictures!
JodyBob1: Tubby little fellow.
JodyBob1: A moment of sharing.
JodyBob1: DSCN5533
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JodyBob1: Our bedroom
JodyBob1: Our den, note couch/futon.
JodyBob1: Sara's bedroom
JodyBob1: DSCN5540
JodyBob1: Spring flowers and birds, Laughing Gulls.
JodyBob1: DSCN5543
JodyBob1: DSCN5556
JodyBob1: DSCN5558
JodyBob1: Ahhhhhh
JodyBob1: Definitely a two-some.
JodyBob1: DSCN5580
JodyBob1: DSCN5589