JodyBob1: American Kestral, Adult male
JodyBob1: American Kestral, Adult male
JodyBob1: Red-shouldered Hawk
JodyBob1: Swallow-tailed Kite
JodyBob1: Crested Caracara
JodyBob1: Red-shouldered Hawk aiming for trainer
JodyBob1: Red-shouldered Hawk
JodyBob1: DSCN4154
JodyBob1: American Bald Eagle
JodyBob1: DSCN4161
JodyBob1: DSCN4162
JodyBob1: DSCN4165
JodyBob1: DSCN4166
JodyBob1: DSCN4169
JodyBob1: DSCN4171
JodyBob1: Mississippi Kite, Ictinia mississippiennsis
JodyBob1: Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
JodyBob1: Osprey, Pandion haliaetus
JodyBob1: Crested Caracara
JodyBob1: "Are you sure?" (Eastern Screech Owl)
JodyBob1: That's 180 degrees, folks!
JodyBob1: Eastern Screech Owl
JodyBob1: Everyone is almost in focus.
JodyBob1: Another view of Red-shouldered Hawk with trainer
JodyBob1: Flight demonstration with Red-shouldered Hawk
JodyBob1: DSCN4262
JodyBob1: DSCN4264
JodyBob1: DSCN4266
JodyBob1: Friends and neighbors? Snowy egret and Tri-colored heron
JodyBob1: Common Moorhen