Gaze infinitely inward as the gentle current meanders and the sun warms the day. Memories shimmering from a last gust of radiance.
An atmospheric reflection intended upon a loon's sequins while a float pure through crystolite placidly suspended. Drift above the depth of Divine love only to surrender...
Where beneath giants adorn with pulpous rings do bend, for you can hear the push of wind.
It is time to awake child so that God may love himself through your flesh. With innocence of nudity and purity of being adore the divine creator.
During no special moment in a day learn to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel God's ever slightest tune.
With the coming darkness of a day save every last glimmer of light to be your dream locator.
God, I step willingly through the riot of young life until your emptiness, fuller than fullness has come to inhabit.
God, I dance to the flow of your grace until I reach a point where all lines intersect like limbs to the tree.
God, I thank you for the helping hands from my family and friends on your revolving planet.
God, whatever affliction befalls me and whatever mistake I event, may despair and forgiveness find that a great gift is in transit.
Lift me high over your brilliance so to soar with peaceful forgiveness towards hurt and my own self that I vanquished.
Siphon the thick bold blood of my parents from a strong vein to softly shower over these limiting fears I permit.
Sacred voyage of my youthful years soon to reach the land where God may love himself through my own infant's flesh.
It is here now that I stand with my flesh a reflection upon waters stilled by brilliance.
My flesh being slashed has left ribbons of shadows...fallen love to what is lost through time.
My flesh given way to crevasses captures the grace of erosion to earth's own defaced resemblance.
Now softened are my demands like that of tatted lace constellations floating over earth's iron rhyme.