2E0LIB: Flowery thing in my garden?
2E0LIB: Daffy
2E0LIB: Dave tells me it's a Hydrangea!
2E0LIB: Leaf it!
2E0LIB: Poppy at Bodnant
2E0LIB: Bursting into life in November!
2E0LIB: Macro on the FZ200
2E0LIB: Frosty Leaf
2E0LIB: Another in the not sure what hawk/raptor this is series!
2E0LIB: Carpet of Celendines in Sherbrook Wood Buxton
2E0LIB: Blanket of Wood Sorrel, Grinlow Woods Buxton.
2E0LIB: Tulip
2E0LIB: Pyramidal Orchid, Llanddwyn ,Anglesey
2E0LIB: Flowery things at Bodnant!
2E0LIB: Sweet Pea.