2africa.nl: Focus
2africa.nl: Tired?
2africa.nl: Water!
2africa.nl: Of all ages
2africa.nl: Happiness
2africa.nl: Sparta
2africa.nl: Intens
2africa.nl: 20080315-153646
2africa.nl: Dutch champions
2africa.nl: Even traffic controllers need to drink
2africa.nl: 20080315-153514
2africa.nl: The winners
2africa.nl: Kenian runners
2africa.nl: At this point they could have reached the finish within 59 minutes
2africa.nl: Their feet hardly touch the ground
2africa.nl: They run harder than most of us can ride on a bike
2africa.nl: Her they come THE WINNERS
2africa.nl: 20080315-153400
2africa.nl: The help of hundreds of little helpers
2africa.nl: Even the horse shit was removed
2africa.nl: 20080315-145902
2africa.nl: 20080315-145700
2africa.nl: Astrid!
2africa.nl: Astrid
2africa.nl: City Pier City halve marathon
2africa.nl: 17 km Drinks!
2africa.nl: Speed!!
2africa.nl: Thirsty
2africa.nl: CPC 18 km-3